35 Powerful Italian Swear Words and Curses

Do you want to know some Italian swear words and curses?

Being able to express your emotions is an important part of mastering a new tongue, especially when you’re frustrated. Swear words are common in every language, and Italian is no exception.

Italy may be a predominantly Catholic country, but you’ll be surprised that many Italian people in employ parolacce – the Italian equivalent for “swear words” – in their everyday speech.

Plus, profanity and Italy go hand-in-hand. The Italians are among the most creative (and funniest) in the world when it comes to swearing and sarcasm.

Swearing in Italian has a broad and varied vocabulary, which is one of the most fascinating aspects of the language.

If you want to truly express yourself like an Italian, you’ll need this list of Italian swear words and curses. Even if you don’t use these swear words regularly, knowing them will help you to understand what is being said around you in Italy.

Note: Please be aware that some of the phrases used in this post may be offensive to certain readers.

Mild Italian Swear Words

Here are some of the mildest Italian swear words to get you started.

35 Powerful Italian Swear Words and Curses
Italian swear words

Accidenti! – Damn it, holy smoke! (lit. “accidents”)

Porca vacca! – Holy cow! (lit. “pig cow”)

• Porca miseria! – For God’s sake! / For goodness’ sake!”

Porco cane! – For God’s sake!

Madonna! – Good God!

Madonna santa! – Good God!

Che due palle! – What the heck!

Dio santo! – Oh, my God!

Mi fa cagare. – I think that’s bad.

Ma, che sei grullo? – Are you joking?

“How silly or stupid are you?” is the literal Italian translation of this statement.

• Incazzato! – I’m pissed!

“I am outraged” is a literal translation of this phrase. This word is most commonly used in Tuscany.

Che cavolo – What the hell

The Italian term for “cabbage” is cavolo, therefore the phrase translates to “what cabbage.” Used to convey shock or dismay.

Che schifo – Gross

It’s an Italian phrase that means “how disgusting.”

Italian Insults

35 Powerful Italian Swear Words and Curses
Italian insults

Many situations call for Italian insults, and these are not only practical but also amusing.

Leccaculo! – Kissass / Ass-Kisser / Ass-licker

Sfigato – Loser

Mangia merde e morte! – Eat shit and die!

Mortacci tua! – Your feeble ancestors!

It’s hardly surprising that ancestry plays a significant role in how you disrespect someone in a culture where so much is focused on history.

In Italy, you’ll often hear this insult when one section of the country joking about the other.

Mortacci tua – Your dead relatives

This is another derogatory term used to describe a person’s family, but it’s not as offensive as the words above.

Mezza sega – Pipsqueak / Nobody

Use this statement when you don’t care about someone or think they’re insignificant.

Rincoglionito – Foolish

– This essentially means “growing senile.” It can be used as an Italian slang word to refer to someone ignorant or simply absent-minded.

Segaiolo – Wanker

It is a moderately insulting way of referring to one who is disagreeable or annoying.


35 Powerful Italian Swear Words and Curses
Italian expletives

These are one-word Italian swear words that you can use when feeling particularly irritated or annoyed by something or someone.

• Accidenti! – Crap!

This “nice” swear phrase is sometimes used as an opening to a plethora of other Italian swear words. ‍

Porca miseria! – Dammit!

This is a milder Italian swear word you can use in public if you don’t want to attract much attention from onlookers.

Stronzo/a! – Asshole!

This word should only be used with extreme caution! The ending (-o for men, -a for women) must be changed according to the gender you intend to utilize and the target of your insult.

A fanabla! – Go to hell!

This is a tried-and-true approach to convey your level of annoyance and frustration in Italian.

Cornuto! – Cuckhold!

Even though it’s been around for a long time, this swear term can still get you into trouble if you use it incorrectly. You should only use this slur if you intend to inflict serious harm on someone and expect to be retaliated against. ‍

Bastardo! – Bastard!

If you want to insult a friend nicely (yes, in Italian you can do that), this is the one to use. It’s a somewhat pleasant way to tell someone that you believe they’re lovable – in Italy at least.

Cazzata – Bullshit

The phrase “non dire cazzate” is a common use of this word in Italian. When you say it, you’re ordering someone to “shut up” or “stop bulls—ting me.”

Obscenities in Italian

35 Powerful Italian Swear Words and Curses
Italian obscenities

These are harsher, nastier Italian swear words that you may use to express extreme emotions or if you have encountered a particularly obnoxious person.

Cazzo! – F*ck!

When you need to express your dissatisfaction with Italian buses or trying to find your way back to your hotel in Rome, this is the right Italian bad word. Consider employing some very expressive hand motions to achieve the desired “very Italian” impression.

Suca – Suck my d*ck

This short phrase, which translates to “suck my d*ck,” is used to express your utter displeasure with someone who has made you upset.

Figlio di puttana! – Son of a bitch!

You should probably think carefully before insulting someone’s mother in Italian. However, if you’ve met someone you despise, this can prepare that individual for the fight of the century.

Puttana – Bitch

As referred to in the phrase “figlio di puttana” above, “puttana” denotes “slut” or “bitch.” Puttana is the singular form of the word “slut.” This is a phrase that is frequently used to refer to a disagreeable woman.

Vaffanculo! – Go f*ck yourself!

If you use this expression with accompanying hand movements, you’ll likely enrage the person you’re speaking to. It’s one of the dirtiest and nastiest Italian words you may hear (usually) outside of Italy. Make sure you’re using this word in the proper context before you decide to do so.

Faccia di culo – Ass face

The literal meaning is “Face like an ass.” However, in Italian, it is praise, even if it sounds insulting. It’s a term to describe someone who isn’t scared to speak up for what they believe in, even if it means standing up to someone they don’t like. Having “plenty of nerve” in Italian means having a face like an ass.

Fica – C*nt

This is a slang expression for female genitalia, but it may also be an emotional exclamation. When you say “fica,” you are usually expressing severe dissatisfaction or frustration with a situation or a person, but it can also be used to indicate astonishment.

Unlike in some cultures, where referring to female genitalia is considered offensive, “fica” or “fico” can be a compliment. While it is usually impolite, referring to a girl as “fica” suggests she is gorgeous or “hot.” The term “fico” refers to a man who is cool and gorgeous, or like a “stud.”

Fica” can also be used to describe anything wonderful or “amazing.” So, if someone you are familiar with asks how you found something, you may simply respond “fica.”

Want to learn more Italian curses, cusswords, and all the profanities? This website is a treasure trove!

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